We could give up on sleeping.
All the hours you're under — break them. Steal up right now, make tea and take flight. Hot house warms up after dark, and we let things get dirty now, but space makes it clean. Energy in the dark or dimmed out, which is why I can't get up in the day and why I stay up all night.
Give up on decorating, try white walls and letter decals. They'd say
and you'd have to live beneath them. Paint the walls, paint your nails, paint the carpet, paint the windows and shut out the dark. Is that your only criticism, that the light's obvious? This is on film, day for night, and it's three again and I still haven't started.
Give up on eating, give up until you stop bleeding, give up breathing. Speed, captain! The monolith in stereoscope and cathode rays behind your eyes. What happened, just between us and modern? We've treated and cross-processed and cremated and screamed, tryin' to be bad but you don't know how. Stop dressing, stop needing, stop reading. Resurge repeat regurgitate reblog refresh, gotta keep ahead of the truth. The very concept is just a letter, assonance writ large, bigger or they won't see it.
Give up on language and give up on thought. Skim for your favorite anecdote of the crumbling of the West, binary opinion, and watch, it's catching. Give up on process, give up on protest, give up on innocence, give up on nihilism. Resolve to retake control of yourself, reduce everything to the level of distraction, and everything anything over done never again. Give up on gender. Restart before it ends, restate before the lie comes out, reinvent before you're found out. Tune in and turn up and turn up and turn up and turn up and WHAT? DROP WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Give up, stay up, until the light starts to break — break it, like refrigerated old bread, if you could taste it. It's maybe four, no maybe five, and that light is light and day isn't night — it's too late, and this second wind won't keep. You're leftovers, unshowered, and sugar and water and oh darling and oh daughter! You're exposed, you're used, you're ruined.
Just another apocryphal mess
Never promised them anything less
So come true
These are safe waters
For the first daughter
So I can't see why
You're pushing the pull that you've had
While the rest of the girls go bad
- The New Pornographers, "It's Only Divine Right"